People in Zambia

2024 Annual Meeting – Day 2

Day 2 (Wednesday, 29 May)

Other agendas: Day 1 | Day 3

All times in Botswana local time zone (GMT +2). Download PDF version of the agenda.

8:00-9:15 | Study Site Presentations

Topic: Adaptations, Mechanisms, and Key Emerging Insights

Location: Main conference room, conference center, 2nd floor.

Link to Zoom livestream.


Mosepele Mosepele (InterCARE)

Ana Mocumbi (SCALE SAIA-HTN)

Dike Ojji (MAP-IT)

Francois Venter (iHEART-SA)

Fred Semitala (PULESA)

Wilbroad Mutale (TASKPEN)


A discussion moderated by Elvin Geng (RCC) will follow the presentations.

9:30-11:00 | Concurrent Session 1: SRP & K43 Presentations

Location: Main conference room, conference center, 2nd floor.

Link to Zoom livestream.

Victor Davila (RCC), moderator.

Chuck Goss (RCC) and Daphne Lew (RCC), discussants.


Panelists and presentations

Vincent Setlhare (InterCARE, SRP): Facilitators and Barriers of Blood Pressure Control in Treated Patients Attending Primary Health Care Clinics in Gabarone, Botswana.

Michael Kiyingi (PULESA, SRP): Effect of Streamlined Hypertension Care on Health-Related Quality of Life Among Virally Suppressed People Living with HIV in Uganda.

Anyikere Ekanem (MAP-IT, SRP): Perception of Hypertension in Urban and Rural Communities of Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria: A Qualitative Study.  

Norberto Lumbandall (SCALE SAIA-HTN, SRP): Assessment of Health Workers’ Knowledge Concerning Hyptertension Counseling in HIV Consultation…

Anthony Orji (MAP-IT, K43): Facilitators and Barriers to Integrating Diabetes, Hypertension, and HIV Care in Primary Healthcare Centers in Nigeria: A Mixed-Methods Formative Study.

Anchindika Mugala (TASKPEN, K43): Addressing Unhealthy Alcohol Use to Improve Control of Hypertension Among People Living with HIV in Zambia.

9:30-11:00 | Concurrent Session 2: Science Communication Cohort Presentations

Location: Leruo breakout rooms, conference center, 1st floor.

Link to Zoom livestream.


April Houston (RCC), moderator.

Wilbroad Mutale (TASKPEN) and Angela Brown (RCC), discussants.


Panelists and presentations

Edwin Mogaetsho (InterCARE): Use of Infographics as a Tool for NCD Intervention.

Riaze Rafik (SCALE SAIA-HTN): The Power of Visual Storytelling: Leveraging Tableau for Impactful Communication.

Daniel Henry (MAP-IT): A Communications Campaign to Reduce HIV/Hypertension Stigma in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria.

Eunice Mopane (iHEART): iHEART-SA Magazine: Empowering Health Literacy and Advocating for Well-being.

Byron Biryaho and Michael Kiyingi (PULESA): Integrating Care: The PULESA Uganda Story.

Brian Banda and Luanaledi Chunga (TASKPEN): Talking with TASKPEN.

11:00-11:30 | Tea Break and E-Poster Viewing

Location: Foyer, conference center, 1st floor.

11:30-13:00 | Networking Café

Location: Main conference room, conference center, 2nd floor.

Elvin Geng (RCC) and Ashley Underwood (RCC), moderators.

During this session, attendees will be matched with other individuals/groups in attendance and will meet with them for 15 minutes to talk about whatever they want. (Matches will be on an insert in everyone’s nametags, which they will receive at check-in).

13:00-14:00 | Lunch

Location: Savori restaurant, hotel building, 1st floor.

14:00-16:30 | Workshop: Community Engagement in Research

Location: Main conference room, conference center, 2nd floor.

Link to Zoom livestream.


This dynamic and interactive workshop will invite participants to consider their local models of community engagement. Together in small and large groups, participants will share key insights and lessons learned in community engagement for HIV and hypertension care integration among HLB-SIMPLe projects.

  • Opening remarks delivered by Maliha Ilias, NHLBI Senior Program Director, Community-Engaged Research.
  • Community engagement overview by Angela Brown (RCC) and Claudia Ordoñez (iHEART-SA).
  • World Café Round Robin, facilitated by Leah Neubauer (Northwestern University)


Organized by the community engagement subcommittee.

16:30 | Announcements and Adjournment

Location: Main conference room, conference center, 2nd floor.

Link to Zoom livestream.

19:00 | Group Dinner

Location: Conference center lobby, ground floor.

Meeting contacts:

  • For questions about meeting logistics, contact Ashley Underwood (email)
  • For questions about hotel transportation or accommodations contact Tessa Gauzy (email or WhatsApp: +1 573 3085050)
  • For general meeting information, contact Treva Rice (email)
  • If you need assistance from a local host, contact Eddie Mogaetsho (email or WhatsApp: +267 7336970) or Kagiso Kebotsamang (email or WhatsApp: +267 72463536)